Real Time Bidding

–          The days of manual ad sales are over, join up for our Real Time Bidding for display advertising

Ever wonder why that new car keeps popping up on your screen on various web sites in different ad sizes?

Real Time Bidding or RTB is always the answer, what are you waiting for?

RTB is an electronic trading system that sells ad space on web pages people visit every millisecond someone visits

Think of RTB like the Toronto Stock Exchange, except our Demand Side Platform (DSP) does a quick and easy RTB for a specific audience you need to target with your display advertisements.

There is a value on every eyeball that visits every web page with every click, we have the solution to calcite that value and program our DSP to real time bid on the ad space for you.

Just to clarify what RTB does, it puts a value on your potential client, so now we can bid on display advertising to that business man first thing in the morning that is looking for a vacation destination after seeing the cold weather front approaching on the weather site, or it can be used to market your line of action figures to that boy that has been online all day playing games with your action figure characters in the game. It is amazing, if you think about how direct our targeting capabilities are.

You will be able to start creating a database of people who are and are not interested in your products based on other interests that potential buyer has, we can also buy ads to web users without RTB but for marketers there is a close relationship to an ad and the audience buying the products in the advertisement.

Why not target your ads directly to your market demographic, if you sell a product that only hockey players earning over 250,000 salary would be interested in or if you sell a line of products that only golfers would be interested in, why not target those people directly?

I hope you have a better understanding about how RTB helps analyse the consumer data to help web sites find out how valuable their visitors are to advertisers.

We sell ad space in cost per thousand. The price depends on variables like the size and type of ad space, the type of user and weather the user lives in an urban or rural location.

RTB makes it possible to zone in on your target market wherever they go on the Web, just sit back and let our team work with you to develop the best advertising campaign and provide you with feed back on how to better target your demographic based on the stats we analyse.

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